All a Bir-r-r-d

Film Review by Dean Duncan Jul 13, 2015

This one has a particularly nice credit sequence, that takes us quickly and efficiently into the story itself. Tweety and Sylvester adjacent to each other in a baggage car—always these loaded scenarios. (Sylvester’s hand moves like a real person’s. Animation is amazing.) He repeatedly piles up luggage in order to try and reach Tweety. These luggage variations are very well staged, with excellent use of off-screen space. Great momentum jokes too: the train starts and stops, Sylvester is multiply thrown back and forth. Meanwhile, Tweety is impervious to natural or physical forces. Very reassuring to the young viewer! Once again: Tweety is the constantly menaced, always vulnerable, never vanquished child. He’s surrounded by danger, but also, always, by advocates (Granny, the conductor, the bulldog). More importantly, he always has himself, his own intelligence and initiative. With all these resources, he gets out of every scrape.

That’s such an important thing for a child to see, and know. It crosses my mind though that reassuring Tweety should be countered, or added to. Have the kids watch him in tandem with the Coyote, with whom they’ll also intensely identify. Either that, or they should make an effort to see things from Sylvester’s perspective. Things won’t always go so well for you! They’d better recognize that eventually they’ll be losing a lot of these battles too.