
film 2 of 2

Catching Fire

Tweet Review by Dean Duncan May 5, 2014 @deanduncan63

Saw #CatchingFire. Telegraphed, over-emphatic, pretty flabby. Bet we’d be cautious too though, just starting out. Must be hard to be a franchise film.

#CatchingFire. Would it be helpful if young people had a tad fewer stories featuring protagonists who are the Chosen One? Things don’t work that way, usually.

Hey! #CatchingFire kinda resembles Fritz Lang’s #Metropolis in its conflict patterns & its blithe, perilous ideology. Cf., slightly, S. Kracauer, 1947.

#CatchingFire, intertexts: Oppression opposed, for entertainment’s sake? Really taking it on?

… And most importantly, most impossibly, real life: