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Hey, Boo: Harper Lee and ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’

Tweet Review by Dean Duncan Mar 12, 2015 @deanduncan63

Saw #HeyBoo. A bit tidy, perhaps. Smart, convicted talking heads say reassuring, expected things. B-roll solid, even stolid …

… Still, it draws some surprising, insightful conclusions. And finally, it’s a tender take on a great person, & the touching story she told.

#HeyBoo. “Mockingbird” was a thunderbolt, courageous to the point of miraculousness in ’61. It’s still definitive on a child’s inner life, & on otherness …

… (i.e. Radley character). Respectfully, though, hasn’t it become superannuated on the issue of race (cf. Tom R.’s saintly passivity)?

#HeyBoo suggests that no white/southern writer was taking this on at the time. Faulkner’s Intruder in the Dust? Also, Edmund Wilson’s critique thereof.