Kit for Cat

Film Review by Dean Duncan May 31, 2015

We’re establishing a pattern here. This is so single-mindedly savage! The basic objective is as usual to be funny, and the gags are pretty good. But they’ve also touched upon sibling rivalry, and even on how your older stinkers can corrupt the innocent younger ones! Or, since the cute baby ends up being the real master of malice and mayhem, you can also look at Kit for Cat as being a Bad Seed (William March, Mervyn LeRoy) variation.

He’s so dim, and oblivious, and presumptuous, and entitled, and insensitive. Add to that, he’s so inhospitable. But do you ever find yourself thinking it? Poor Elmer! Here’s a measure-full of absurdity and cruelty, and our malice always backfiring. That’s pretty well par for this course, isn’t it? Kit for Cat has some value added, which is a healthy, stylized working out of a number of common family challenges. Set ’em down in front of the monitor. Let ’em watch. Then lecture them to within an inch of their lives!