The Fat and the Lean

Film Review by Dean Duncan Jul 9, 2015

More practically perfect camera placement, all the way through. Polanski, who plays lean, is also a very good actor. He has fashioned a familiar and reasonably effective master/servant scenario. It seems to be a manifestly Polish film, with what you might expect from the regime at this date. That fat guy suggests capital, or the Boss, or something similar. The thin one is put upon, the worker or the Masses, put upon and taken for granted by the fat. Am I getting ahead of myself, or could it actually be true? It might be a manifestly Polish film, but the regime’s thematic objectives don’t quite square with the fact that the lean guy—who, as established, is also played by the director—keeps looking yearningly toward the Eiffel Tower in the distance. Not so much Solidarity, maybe, as the Fleshpots.