
film 7 of 7

The Kid with a Bike

Tweet Review by Dean Duncan Mar 16, 2015 @deanduncan63

Saw #KidWithABike, by Belgium’s brothers Dardenne. I can’t possibly praise this film highly enough, or recommend it urgently enough.

#KidWithABike catches the complex, contradictory combination of vulnerability & impossibility that makes youngsters both so precious & so trying.

#KidWithABike’s Samantha character (C. De France) gives the lie to the old notion that virtue can’t be dramatic, or interesting, in a narrative …

… She is not only interesting, but tremendously inspiring. Here is decency that is detailed, constant, plausible, & replicable.

#KidWithABike. I can’t possibly praise this film highly enough, or recommend it urgently enough.