Stan Brakhage II

film 5 of 27

Thigh Line Lyre Triangular

Film Review by Dean Duncan Jun 18, 2015

Cool title! When compared to Brakhage’s first baby film, the intensely beautiful Window Water Baby Moving (q.v.), Thigh Line Lyre Triangular will strike most viewers as allusive and indirect. Quite difficult, in fact. That’s even more true if it’s compared to the commercial run-of-the-mill to which we are probably accustomed. The challenges are considerable, but they can lead to considerable profit.

The paint and scratching and superimposition pretty well obscure the physiological event, leaving, it would seem, subjectivity. Anxiety and pain, fear and love—at the end and over it all, God, the baby, and the body that made it possible. A basic Brakhage question urges itself forward. Can this very private vocabulary, used within this very private method, signify or communicate generally? Well?