The Stories We Tell

Tweet Review by Dean Duncan May 29, 2015 @deanduncan63

Saw Sarah Polley’s #TheStoriesWeTell. The stats at Metacritic suggest that this estimable film is getting something of a critical free ride. Let us see …

#TheStoriesWeTell. Very Kane-like. Welles uses a gimmick (sled, etc.) to nail the relativity of truth & the unknowability of things …

… Polley nails the sled/gimmick, while the material on relativity & unknowability seems less urgent, inhabited, compelling.

#TheStoriesWeTell. Mind you, Kane-like, this is really good with it’s mixed film stocks, its uncannily matched & compelling reenactments.

#TheStoriesWeTell. Further: a tale of serial sin & error that reminds the self-regardingly circumspect how dear & diverse err-ers & sinners tend to be.

#TheStoriesWeTell. Intention can confuse, & reception is a crap-shoot. But I wonder …

… Is this courageous, loving disclosure, or dire exhibitionistic exposure?

#TheStoriesWeTell. It’s a beautiful thing to share your treasure, & your sorrow, on film. But should we cast our pearls before the swine?…

We, in our small way, have agonized similarly:

#TheStoriesWeTell recalls Brecht’s #CaucasianChalkCircle, & is a worthy account of all the things that good parenting means. Not blood, but time!